25 Healthy Snacks For Late Night Munching

 25 Healthy Snacks For Late Night Munching

It’s 3 a.m., you have an early full-time job, and you can’t sleep. What do you do? We did a deep dive on some late-night snack ideas courtesy of a nutritionist, then ran it by our coworkers to see if they thought it was tasty or too gross. Here are 25 healthy midnight snacks that we feel are the best out there — and can be enjoyed in the middle of the night.


Though most nutritionists agree that there is no such thing as sleep-friendly food, eating within a couple of hours of bedtime can be a recipe for heartburn and indigestion. That’s why it’s best to have a light snack before bed.


We asked nutritionists to name the best snacks to eat before bedtime, and here are their top picks for healthy midnight snacks:


Popcorn — “It’s low in calories and high in fiber, so it helps keep blood sugar levels steady and is digested easily,” says registered dietitian Jessica Cording, M.S., R.D.


Almonds — “They’re rich in magnesium, which helps relax your muscles and nerves and aid in relaxation of the mind,” says Cording.


Greek yogurt with berries — “The protein will keep you full through the night while the antioxidant-rich berries can help improve your memory and concentration during the day by preventing free radicals from harming brain cells,” says Cording.


Pears — “The fiber can help relieve your stomach if you tend to get bloated after eating a large meal or when you eat too close to bedtime,” says


The best way to make sure you are eating a healthy snack is by making sure they are in a certain calorie range. This will help ensure that it keeps your energy levels up and helps prevent overeating later on in the day. Here are some of the healthiest snacks that you can eat on the go:

